Mary De feudis

Mary De feudis

Associate Professor

  • Adresse : 34 boulevard Henri Bergson - 95200 Sarcelles
Domaines d'expertise
Nanodiamonds containing color centers (NV, SiV, GeV ...) for quantum technologies
NV based quantum sensors 
Diamond detectors and power devices
CVD diamond synthesis 
Diamond electrical contacting by means of graphitisation and / or metallisation techniques
Characterisation of surfaces and atomic structures
Clean room skills: microstructuring techniques, optical lithography, film deposition and characterization.

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Physical Principles of Sensing
Electromagnetism, Electrical Engineering
Teaching activities at the Institut Universitaire de Technologie - CY Cergy Paris Université.


Activités / CV

Dr Mary De Feudis is an Associate Professor of Physics at CY Cergy Paris University since 2019. In 2018 she obtained the double title of PhD in Physics and Nanosciences (Università del Salento, Italy) and in Physics and Material Sciences (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France).
During her career, she has carried out numerous research activities on diamond materials and their several technological applications such as particle sensors for high-energy and dark-matter physics, as well as power electronic devices. These works have given rise to competences covering different research fields: from the high quality diamond films synthesis, to the graphite and metal electrodes fabrication, up to the integration of the final device on the acquisition board and the study of its performances.
Subsequently, she has started working on the CVD controlled synthesis process of diamond nanoparticles containing color centers (NV, SiV, GeV) useful to develop quantum sensors for very high resolution imaging and high pressure physics.
Currently, she also collaborates in experiments for implementing t​​​​​​he spin readout of an ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond by an photoconductive detection technique.
Research activities at the Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, Chimie ParisTech, CNRS-PSL Université.
Collaborations with several research institutes: LuMIn (ENS Paris-Saclay), LSPM (Sorbonne Paris Nord), Thales Research & Technology, SOLEIL Synchrotron, etc.
