Published on December 11, 2020 Updated on October 21, 2024

Master's in Economics: Economic Analysis with ESSEC Business School

LMD academic program
Master's in Economics: Economic Analysis with ESSEC Business School


The Master's in Economic Analysis offers top-notch preparation in Economics through a joint program between CY Cergy Paris Université and ESSEC Business School, known for its outstanding employment record in high-profile jobs. Read more

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Applications for 2024-2025 are now open

Seven excellence scholarships (7,800 EUR) are available.

The Master's in Economic Analysis (Master 2) is a joint program between CY Cergy Paris University and ESSEC Business School. It delivers top-tier training in economics through a one-year program, exclusively conducted in English. Designed as a stepping stone for further academic pursuits in a Ph.D. program in Economics or to join National and International Organizations, the curriculum emphasizes both economic theory and empirical methods.

Graduates of the program are eligible to seek admission to the second year of the ESSEC Ph.D. program in Economics and the doctoral program at CY Cergy Paris Université. Successful Ph.D. candidates become part of ThEMA, receiving a yearly gross salary of approximately 40,000 EUR (plus extra remuneration for teaching responsibilities). About 60% of our Graduates continue with a PhD in Economics. The remainder finds interesting positions with very attractive wages in the private sector and National and International Organizations.

Students enrolled in the M2 EA program have access to sports facilities, numerous cultural activities, IT rooms, libraries, university restaurants, and both CY Cergy Paris Université and ESSEC campuses. Additionally, they receive a warm welcome at the "CY on board" event. Foreign students also benefit from our excellent International Welcome Desk. CY Cergy Paris Université has been awarded the "Bienvenue en France" quality label.

The research-focused program adheres to internationally recognized standards of scientific excellence in Economics, led by professors from CY and ESSEC. Explore our research center: ThEMA.

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  • ESSEC Business School, Campus Cergy-Pontoise, ESSEC 
  • CY Cergy Paris Université, Campus des Chênes 1 and 2, map

Person in charge of the academic program

Directors of the M2 EA
Laurence JACQUET, CY Cergy Paris Université
Administrative Coordinator:
Ms. Lise Seiler
tel. : +33 1 34 25 67 54 - CY Cergy Paris Université -
"Chênes 1" building - Office 447 (4th floor) 
Mailing Address :
CY Cergy Paris Université
Institut économie et gestion - M2 Economic Analysis
33, boulevard du Port


In agreement with

ESSEC Business School.



Prerequisites training

Download our Flyer

Application form

Types of Educational Background:
Candidates with various backgrounds are encouraged to apply. This includes a French "Master 1" in e.g. Economics, Math, or related fields (from CY & CYTech or another university or school), "Master 1" from Institut d'Etudes Politiques Sciences Po (e.g. IEP St-Germain-en-Laye), as well as engineering or business schools degrees. A degree in Economics is not mandatory, but the candidate should definitely have some background in mathematics and econometrics (or data analysis), since the courses rely heavily on mathematical modelling of economics and applied econometrics.

Language Proficiency Requirements:
Admission decisions are based on thorough analysis of application materials, with a prerequisite of good English proficiency (certified by TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS at a minimum CEF level of B2). Exceptions apply to those who have completed a degree from an English-language university program abroad, though a letter from the administrative office of their universities mentioning that the language of instructions of their courses was English is required. Candidates who have studied in an English-speaking country do not need any proficiency documentation.

Foreign students should hold a degree equivalent to the French "M1" (3 years of undergraduate, one year of graduate), with an emphasis on mathematics, though an Economics degree is not mandatory.

For International Students: 
For those outside the European Union, it is necessary to follow additional instructions available here. For candidates residing outside the EU, please ensure to submit your comprehensive application package to us concurrently with your application through platforms like Campus France!

If you reside in one of the 65 countries affiliated with Campus France and the Etudes en France procedure, you must apply starting from October 1, 2024, via this link.

Foreign candidates outside the EU residing in a country outside Campus France must download the individual mobility (global study) student application package starting from December 15, 2024. Individual mobility information

Conditions of applications

Applications for 2024-2025 are now open.

Deadline for application: June 16th, 2025.

Be aware that the deadline for M2EA scholarships' application is April 22nd, 2025. However, we start reviewing applications as soon as we receive them. For those outside the European Union, it is necessary to follow additional instructions on Inscription des étudiants étrangers and to submit the application M2EA package concurrently with their application through platforms like Campus France.

Application will be open till June 16th, 2025. Admissions results will be released by email. Prior to the release of the results by email, we will be unable to respond to any question regarding the admissions committee’s decision.

The International students who must apply via Campus France should keep in mind that Campus France’s deadline is very early.

Click here to download the application form (which includes the scholarship application form) 2024-2025

Conditions of specific applications

Persons with disabilities who wish to take this program are invited to contact us directly, in order to study together the possibilities of taking this program.

Housing Assistance:

Please, carefully read where you will find detailled information regarding accommodation.

Foreign students will receive help from the international relations service regarding travel, administrative procedures in France, and accommodation. Have a look at our wonderful International Welcome Desk!

Foreign students (including those from the EU) may be eligible for assistance from the Caisse d’allocations familiales (CAF, family allowances programme), in particular for housing, link.
Your crous student housing aid for student in Crous-run accommodation
Your crous student housing aid allowance (for non-crous residents)
Your student housing aid for students 
who are renting a privet-market accommodation

Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application

The admissions panel carefully reviews all applications. In exceptional cases where crucial information is missing, the panel reserves the right to postpone the decision on an applicant's admission.

Furthermore, if an applicant's academic record falls short of the criteria for direct admission to M2, the panel may recommend admission to M1 instead.

It is important to note that all admissions are contingent on the applicant obtaining the necessary degree for access to the Master 2 level (an Master 1 or equivalent). Proof of obtaining the necessary diploma will be requested during the administrative registration process in both July and September.


Content of the academic programm

1st term, September to December

2nd term, January to March

2 elective courses among any of the four specializations below

Environmental Economics Industrial Organization International Economics Public Policy Master’s Thesis

The master’s thesis is a piece of original scholarship, written under the direction of a faculty advisor, on a relevant topic in economics the student is interested in. Students are strongly advised to find a supervisor by the beginning of the academic year. Meetings with professors to discuss possible topics will be organized.

Focus on the 1st year

New students can access information here
New Student Information

Summer Reading List

Educational team

Teaching in the M2 EA is recognized for its very high quality. A large team of Researchers-Professors from ThEMA (CY and ESSEC) are involved in the program. They all show remarkable availability for the students and a strong international experience.

What's next ?

Job opening

Business sector or job

After the M2EA:

The Master 2 in Economic Analysis offers a number of alternative careers. Among the several options, there are the large international institutions (European Commission, European Central Bank, OECD, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ILO, BIS, Regional Development Banks, etc.), which recruit students at Research Master level. French and foreign governments are also an outlet. Finally, the private sector, in particular the financial sector, is another option, since Economists are capable of guiding major strategic choices.

Finally, the students most interested in academic research may continue into the PhD program to be able to pursue a career in universities, research institutions (CNRS, INRA, OFCE, etc..) or in Business Schools in France or abroad. The Master prepare students to follow a doctoral program in economics, in the fields of industrial organization, international economics, public economics, environmental economics, labor economics, development economics, macro and microeconomics. Students pursuing a PhD will be part of THEMA. They may also apply to the "Ph.D. in Economics", which is a program in partnership between ESSEC and CY Cergy Paris Université. The Master 2 corresponds to the first of the 2 years of courses within the PhD program. After that, the student’s time is devoted to the thesis research.

Professional integration

The M2 EA is recognized for an excellent employment record.

About 60% of our Graduates continue with a PhD in Economics. M2EA Graduates are eligible to seek admission to the second year of the ESSEC Ph.D. program in Economics and the doctoral program at CY Cergy Paris Université. Successful Ph.D. candidates become part of ThEMA, receiving a yearly gross salary of approximately 40,000 EUR (plus extra remuneration for teaching responsibilities).
About 20% of our M2 EA Graduates join the private sector (mainly in banks, insurance companies and consulting e.g., BNP-Paribas, Deloitte, Société Générale SG, 3M), 10% join the public and semi-public sector (e.g. Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances, Ministère des armées and foreign Ministries) and 10% national and international organization (e.g., Central Banks, FAO, World Bank).



The university fees are annual and set by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in France.

In 2019 the French government has voted a law that stipulates an increase in the registration fees up to € 3,770 for the Master’s degree for international students coming from outside the European Union and who were not registered previously in France at the master level.. However, we have been able to exempt international students enrolling into the M2 EA from paying the full fees in 2023-2024. They paid the same amount as the EU students: 243 euros per year (plus a 90 euros contribution to the CVEC). Admitted international students will be informed about the documents to provide in order to apply for an exemption from the full fees in 2024-2025.

Conditions of submission

For candidates residing outside the EU, please ensure to submit your comprehensive application package to us concurrently with your application through platforms like Campus France!

If you reside in one of the 65 countries affiliated with Campus France and the Etudes en France procedure, you must apply starting from October 1, 2023, via this link.

Foreign candidates outside the EU residing in a country outside Campus France must download the individual mobility student application package starting from December 15, 2023. Individual mobility information